
The 2024 tournament was hosted by North Carolina State’s Physics Department and School of Science and Mathematics. We had a full tournament with 14 teams in attendance, including teams from four new schools.

  • Dates

    Sunday, January 1 - Tuesday, January 3

  • Host Institution

    Cary Academy & North Carolina State University


Inelastic Magnetic Collisions

Magnetic dynamics carts are often used to show both elastic, and inelastic, collisions. While in the
inelastic case the abutting magnets collide and stick together, in the elastic case they repel magnetically
without touching.

Modify your school’s dynamics carts to collide inelastically without actually touching each other in
the process. Clearly show that momentum is continuously conserved, and explain how the excess kinetic
energy is dissipated.

The Surface of the Moon

Mountain heights, and crater depths, on the moon’s near side have been calculated since the 17th
century. Now, anyone with a cell phone camera and a small telescope can photograph the moon to
resolutions on the scale of kilometers.

Image the moon using standard equipment, and make a three dimensional map of its surface.

Bouncing Drops of Water

When water drops bounce on a flat surface, symmetry suggests that they do not spin, but rather
bounce and splash. However, when bouncing on a surface with an asymmetrical pattern, they can both
bounce and spin.*

Investigate the bouncing of water droplets both experimentally and physically.

Long Jumping with Weights

In Ancient Greece, athletes employed hand-held weights or halteres to extend the range of the
standing long jump. In a brief 2002 article in Nature †, Minetti & Ardigó found that archaeological
halteres were in the mass range that optimized one potential benefit of the weights. The halteres may
also have been hurled while the athlete was in flight.

Consider all the effects of hand-held weights in the standing long jump, where the goal is to optimize
horizontal distance traveled in one leap before striking the (horizontal) ground, from both a theoretical
and experimental basis.


Champion: Rye Country Day School
2nd Place: Phillips Exeter Academy
Finalists: Phillips Andover Academy, Cary Academy, The Nueva School, and Woodberry Forest Academy
Swartz Trophy Winner: UG School
Bibilashvili Medal: Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School
Jacobs Award: Shenzhen Middle School

2023 Tournament